Happy post-Halloween! I've been having an extremely busy, very tiring month, and it will keep up for a while, so I think I'll keep this one brief and just vent a little. Sometimes on Cohost I joke about working with the worst shows ever made, and I'll say it here: it's not actually a joke. This month I received a barrage of a reality show about married couples, so I have to stand endless bickering and the pettiest things you've ever heard, sometimes from morning until night, and it's stressing me out. Not only is the content shit, I also have agreed to a schedule which, while doable, won't allow me to have a whole day off until late November. Were there less episodes, or were the episodes shorter, I would be okay, but they're mostly 90-minute crap and I received a lot of them, so I'll have to keep going like this for about 20 more days (to be fair, I agreed to it, a mistake on my part). And if I'm being honest, the pay is not what I'd wish for. It's okay, better than I've received for other similar tasks, but I'm actually doing more than I should, technically, because I guess management is either stupid, stubborn, or incompetent. I better stop here I think.

The good news is, I got to translate a musical for the first time, and it was a lot of fun. Juggling both projects means I had a week working from morning til night, but honestly the musical was pretty fun to do, and anything is heaven compared to the other show, so I saw it almost as relaxation. My work on it received kudos from QA, too, which I'm very happy with. I guess I can say it was a biblical play, and while I'm not a fan of the songs, many of the lyrics were direct quotations from the Bible, so I had to look up a lot of official translations and such, which is one of my favorite things to do in projects like this. I'm quite proud of how it came out, personally, and I don't say that often. The play itself, too, was a big production where they used CG giant screens, rotating scenarios, big props and real animals on stage, which made it fun to watch, if nothing else, cause at least it's something different, considering I wasn't that interested in the subject matter. Yes, I'll be mostly talking about work in this one, this is what my month was.

Now the best thing I did this month was going to see Killers of the Flower Moon, which was a fantastic movie all around. I live in a relatively small city where actually cool movies don't play on theaters, so I had to drive 30 minutes to a place I'd never gone before, a city called Hortôlandia, and it was fun, even the driving part cause I really hadn't seen any of those roads (thankfully it was Sunday and there wasn't much traffic either). Nothing much to say about the place itself—looked like a fine city, I hope I get the opportunity to visit again—and the shopping mall where it was playing is a shopping mall, they're all essentially the same everywhere, aren't they?

I guess if I gotta do the media highlight, I'll just say I watched a couple of horror movies, since it's October, so quick list of my favorites: Creepshow, The Exorcist (rewatch), House (1985) and House (1977, also rewatch), The Blob (1988), Possession, Cure, John Carpenter's The Thing (the latter also rewatch) and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown AKA the cutest thing ever made, just lovely. Also finally got around to watching Robot Carnival and Gridman Universe, which I'd love to talk about in more detail if I was feeling like it at the moment. Well, maybe some other time.

I guess that's mostly it. I'm waiting once again for another Suruga-ya package to arrive and started rewatching Revolutionary Girl Utena, which I'm now convinced is the best show ever made. Honestly, I did not appreciate just how good it looks and how stellar it is in every level back when I was 17. Unfortunately I'm not in the mood to watch shows that much now, but I'm in no hurry to finish it either. Also, I guess honorable mention to Ultraman Blazar, the show which has been consistently great and had an episode with my favorite kaiju in it, the amazing Gavadon A. Seriously, just look up some images, he's just the best and his now two episodes in the franchise were the cutest thing ever. I love Ultraman so much.

That's it for October. Have a nice November now!